Sunday 23 December 2012

how we do Christmas

It's Christmas eve eve!

mum and dad and the QVB tree!

 And I live with a bunch of Grinch's.

You see, I feel strongly about Christmas decorations. For me, it's an all or nothing deal. 

I enjoy taking photos of other people posing.
I'm not talking epilepsy-inducing strings of raving Christmas lights, strewn about the place in a hap-hazard manner, because that's just enraging. Let’s keep it tasteful, Sydney (namely person two doors down the street).

And for those of you who display more then one Santa Claus on your lawn, well, don't even get me started. Stop reading my blog, for one, we can't possibly be friends.

Santa in the potpourri.
(inside the house is a whole different story)
I'm talking about inside the house. 

I'm talking family traditions, and years of childhood, hung on the tree and in every empty crevice.

pretty proud of this one.
exhibit A.
Every year, as we put up the tree it's a battle for me. It used to be two on one, my brothers against me, but now it's one on one, and this year - I came out on top.

They both believe that the tree and the house should be simple. 

"More is not more Bec," they tell me. I disagree.

They want shiny new baubles,  and just the right amount of tinsel that is strung in such a way that the tree looks like a catalogue. Cold and lifeless.

boo perfection.

 They believe that we should cull all our childhood ornaments, slaughter them. 

All those festive images, made from clay, pasta, cork and bits of string. They think it's okay to leave things stored away, and to crush the casket of tradition that has been so delicately built up, year by year. 

As time passes the tree expands not with "too much crap", as they would have it, 

"but an ever increasing plethora of family tradition and abounding joy."

 - Rebecca Dawborn. 

This year I won.

which is why these beauties still stand strong!

My younger brother went around, carefully choosing only tasteful options, and the fullest strings of tinsel, and I went around behind him, collecting all his off-cuts and lovingly placing them around the house. 

yes this is a crumbling clay ball with missing gum nuts.
sewed this in year 4.
would have no idea how to do it now.

crumbling bear santa candles? you are welcome.

this is a small baby in a matchbox with decade-old cotton wool.
and is completely neccesary.
made this wonky angel.

"clutter" - Ben.

pre school pasta goodness. 

a home made wise man door hanger.

the rest says ESUS.

"wow bec that's so beautiful" - said no one ever.
It's hideous and wonderful and it feels like Christmas and it makes me happy!

our nativity!
note the Namibian Shepard woman (because we love missions in our home)
and the santa hat wearing platypus (because we are Aussies!)


I did this and thought it was hilarious.

defs not too many things in one location.

no lamp or light remains un-christmased.

the angel corner.

with the holly slay.

for the annual family disco.

you can see me. win.
unless you knew me when I was less then 5.
(or in YWAM)
you may not call me this. just to be clear.

loooove it.

straight photos. not my strong point.

some of the things ben hates.

and I deem necessary.

Biblical advent calendars that were open years and years ago.

the hand towels have more Christmas joy then my brothers.

shower tinsel.

another wise man.

for obvious reasons we deem this one,
the voldemort angel.

It lives in the toilet..

and makes everyone uncomfortable. 

oh childhood.

 for coco or egg nog drinking.
(except I'm not American and never drink either of those things..)



when merry gets old.

I've been thinking lately about the areas in my life which are too much mine, and too little Jesus's. We hear it all around us (and feel it in our fingers, and feel it in our toes), don't we, the stresses of Christmas. We're warned not to be caught up in the commercialisation, and the wrapping paper and the menu plans. 

wrapping presents is not my spiritual gifting.

To remember the true meaning, which in the words of the spoken is usually joy, good will and some sort of selfless giving. Family time amidst the full bellies, and new toys.

But, amidst my kept Christmas childhood joys is the very best reminder of what I know Christmas is to be. The birth of a baby, who was the Saviour of mankind.

Truth from my 10 year old self:


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