Monday 13 February 2012

every day, you are loved.

Happy Valentines Day lovely ones!

It’s no secret that Valentines Day is my favourite day of the whole entire year. I prepare for it for weeks (honestly). It’s a celebration of love, and I love love, and I love being loved, and I love loving others. It’s the day when my outpouring, overly zealous, superlative loving heart is allowed to say whatever it wants, to everyone it wants; almost judgment free.

It hurts me a little when people don’t like the celebration for whatever reason, how commercial it is, the fact that they’re not in a relationship, that there shouldn't just be one day to say these things – etc etc, but if that’s you; I challenge you to put that aside, and embrace today for the good things it holds, and represents.

Count your blessings. Hug somebody. Compliment everyone. Surprise people. Write a card. Bake a cake. Read song of songs. Come on over, I’m preparing for my annual love loveing party tonight, and you are absolutely more then welcome. Because, you are absolutely loved.

I have a day full of loving gestures, pretty pink dresses, cupcakes and big hugs planned.

dying paper red.  as mentioned - weeks ago.

ready for cutting & pasting.

hey you. get into my belly. stat.

writing my V-day cards.

a darrell lea in every envelope.

ready for bunting! (photos to come).

Know today that you (yes - you) are loved, and you are wonderful. 

Oh, and one last thing. I stole this from the simaid office last week. Valentines day is about love, and this year I extend the invitation to spread that love a little further, to women and girls who are victims of human trafficking and sexual slavery in India. If you donate to Girls off the Streets by the 15th (there’s still time!) then simaid will send a thank you to your Valentine, how beautiful is that!

There is good in the world, love abounds and today, I choose to celebrate that.

Happy Valentines Day!

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord”

Romans 8: 38 – 39 

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