Sunday 7 April 2013


To say I'm "freaking out" would be both an under-statement, and an over-statement, depending on the moment, depending on the day.

Keeping my man up well past his bed time tonight, I had a little irrational crying fit because, "I don't want to not want to go but I do." Between the sobs, and refusing to turn on my video, you can imagine just how confusing I am. Be thankful you're not dating me, I'm a disaster.

It's always the same. It was in 2009, when I left my home for the first time, and the second time. It was the same last year, when I left for another four months. I go through stages, of excitement, denial, elation, devastation and genuine, fear-filled panic.

WHAT THE HECK AND I DOING runs through my mind at least one hundred thousand times a day. Mix that up with, I'm so lucky, I'm so excited, I can't wait, I can't do this, this is awesome, he is awesome, God is good, I am terrified, how adventurous, I'm going to disappoint him, I'm so in love, I'm going to disappoint everyone, I don't have enough baggage allowance and oh crap; I don't know how to drive, or what a nickel is; then you're pretty much where I'm at, within a 15 minute cycle. Two weeks to go, and I'm exhausted.

Speaking from the past, I know this will last till about the night before. I won't sleep, but on my day of departure I will be fine, composed and ready. And then I will be completely in my element, with boarding pass, journal and camera in hand, thanking God again and again for the two things which flavour my life so beautifully; love and adventure.

Until then though, it's panic. It's panic and throwing myself on the floor of my church, as I did this morning, causing havoc, because, "I'm leaving and I can do whatever I want". Until then, it's packing and re-packing, making plans and cancelling them, tears alone, and fears a plenty. Until then, it's prayer and second guessing, and regretting and feeling very unbelievable, and very, very strange.

It's bitter-sweet goodbyes, and big event planning, and strange, interrupted, butterflies in the belly but trying to act rational routines.

I'm going to open my mouth and say things I regret. And I'm also going to leave, having regretted not saying things.

The only way I know how to do this time well {which I don't}, is to write, to process, to spend time with people, to talk, to be in routine, to take photos and most importantly; to affirm myself of truth, and to pray.

I'm sorry for this post. I'm a writer, it's what I do. It's how I be. It's how I know what I feel, it's how I don't just end up in bed, watching toddlers and tiaras and drinking liquid ice-cream calories {which yes, has happened more then once this week}.

So, friends, please feel free to remind me:

- I serve a good God who leads and goes before me.
- This is what I've always wanted; radical, risky, moving over the other side of the world worthy love.
- He is the best. I am the luckiest.
- I am not in control, but I follow the one who is.
- I really, really love Hershey's kisses and Peanut Butter Cups. America has both.
- I am blessed.
- This is my love adventure.

I feel better already.

The countdown month.

being nanny.

I've driven for 7 years. Never got a ticket.
And yet this? In my book, a fairly good park.

me & my brother, a tad excited about going to see

jut a tad patriotic.

memorising the outback steakhouse menu.
my life.

made doughnuts. win.

my plark. 

Ellen in Sydney city.

my first legit sermon.

going away present from my grandpa.
super thankful.

beach quiet times with tiny little sand crabs.



coffee and coffee and writing and coffee.

beautiful cards from beautiful friends.

rain. road trips.
cards that make me cry.

found where Snape lives.

3 hours by myself in the rain with no entertainment?

North Pole, New Castle.


baby took my phone.

these boots.

pancake birthday beach perfection.

happy easter!

New Castle.

future home.

found a swamp.
my brothers and I made a rabbit.
and named him Rabsputin.
and he was great.

what happens when I play scrabble with my brother.
nevr = taylor swift's 'never'
awarterful = a waterfall
both allowed.


he got mancred.




I love you!
my easter clue.

and so the packing begins.

my brother.




& tea. always tea.

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