Tuesday 24 January 2012


People tend to raise an eyebrow when I say that I want to be involved in the human trafficking industry, but I do.

I can’t help it. After I watched ‘The Jammed’ a few years ago, it’s been an issue heavy on my heart. 

(I’m kind of proud of myself for learning to embed a video)

Anything to do with vulnerability, the human body, unequal circumstance and helplessness tends to have that effect on me.

An estimated 2.5 million people are involved in forced labor world wide, a great deal of which involves sexual exploitation. I wouldn’t care if this number was one, it’s horrifying and heart breaking. It confirms to me the fact that our fallen world is run so much by sex and money.

Yesterday, simaid launched their new website for their Girls Off the Streets Campaign; check it out!

Let’s not be naive about human trafficking and global sexual exploitation.

There’s plenty more to be said and read and done.

I invite you to be outraged with me!


  1. I watched a documentary not too long ago called Bangkok girl. It was so heartbreaking. This man goes to bangkok to make a documentary about sex trafficking. He interviews this young woman throughout the video and by the time he leaves thailand, the young woman is KILLED! They say in bangkok, when someone dies they are happy for them, because their suffering is over. Their whole lives are about suffering. Whenever I lose my perspective now, I think of that. I think of how people were born into these horrible circumstances, and all they ever knew was sorrow.
    How can anyone overlook this?? How can someone know this and just disregard it without it changing their life? This is something I will never understand. We so fail to comprehend how much we DO have instead of what we DON'T.

  2. Slavery and human trafficking make me angry. (By the way, I haven't met you but I LOVE your blog and I think you are an amazing person! ) Check out www.actandabolish.com.au- an online resource for acting against slavery/ human trafficking.

    1. Hi! thanks for this. I'll definitely check that out!
