Thursday 9 August 2012

application, orientation & immunisations

This Saturday I’m speaking at ReachOut conference. And by speaking I mean freaking out. And by freaking out, I mean being interviewed, which is, in my opinion, at least a hundred thousand times scarier. Then anything else ever.

For everyone who’s ever told me I’m a good public speaker, here’s a little secret for you - I’m actually really not. I’m just a nerd, who is organised, and almost always over-prepared. As the Swan Princess song goes, it’s just practice, practice, practice (sidenote: what a great movie).

I can mask all sorts of poise and confidence if I know a bit by heart, or at least have the gist, but surprise me, or ask me to “wing it,” and from experience - I’m most likely just going to blank, and go weak at the knees. I may even vomit a little bit in my mouth, or not say anything. This is how I feel about ReachOut.

And next week? I have a radio interview, where I can’t prepare at all. 7:10am. Wednesday. HOPE 103.2, for those of you who want to hear me panic.

But this whole weekend, or this whole “ordeal” as I dramatically like to call it, is really – when it comes down to it, such an overwhelming blessing.

Who am I really, to complain about such things.

This is a season of celebration!

she was dancing!

One year ago I walked through the doors of ReachOut, never having heard of Orange HOPE, with no plans to go to Africa. Sitting in the crowd amongst the several thousand others, I certainly would have never imagined that by ReachOut 2012, I’d be standing on the stage. Standing on the stage, wearing a blinding orange beanie, and talking HIV.

posted before but I love it none the less.

To roll with the reminiscing theme, my mum and dad had their “missions evening” on Monday and I got the chance to share. About Orange HOPE, Malawi, myself & all things passion. Between that and this, and the week that’s been, I’ve done a lot of reflecting.

My rents’ are going to Namibia in less then a month, for three months mission. With SIM, the same missions organisation that parents OrangeHOPE. Coincidence, I believe is where God chooses to remain anonymous. And that is one big, fat, almighty, God-handed coincidence.

& this is the only photo I took from the night.
my dad. with his eyes closed.
good photographer = me.

And it’s been really great going through the same process as my parents, as I prepared, and they prepare. Application, orientation, immuninisations – the works. I just got back from Africa, they are about to leave. How they get to move out of home before me is beyond me, but I’m excited for them. I know the organisation, I know the people, I frequent the office. It is in every way, an absolute “God thing”.

It’s almost like God really is in control, and that He actually does have a plan, and that He is faithful.

Turns out, God really is in control, He does actually have a plan, and that He is faithful.

I just got to spend a wonderful month in a beautiful part of Africa. Because I wrote 25 words or less on a little slip of paper? Or because God is crazy good. One month of just being and learning, listening to people, walking in the sun, singing, thinking, writing and praying about ways to love and serve better. What a privilege.


And now that I’m back it’s my job, and not just my job but my honour, to inspire and impassion other people to adopt Orange HOPE as their thing, to care, to hear, to fundraise and to commit.

And it’s about just that, being a part of something much bigger, and much more important then myself. And if I truly believe in the providing, the going before, the good and the courage giving God that I do, then I really have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear about ReachOut. I have nothing to fear about HOPE 103.2.

Period, I have nothing to fear.

But I have every reason to celebrate, and celebrate I shall.


  1. you'll be super,
    remember you are telling real stories of your own life and your own experiences so it's not like you have to recite facts and figures from a medical journal, it's an interview, you talk about what you saw, felt, smelt etc.
    Make poo jokes, kids love that stuff.

    1. haha, thanks Howie!
      I ended up being okay, fancy that! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing this Bec! It is so great to see what God has done in your life over the past year! You are inspiring and it makes God smile to hear your heart for Him and your desire to bring Him glory! You'll be gret at ReachOut & on the radio!

    1. Thank you so much Steve, you are so encouraging!!
