Saturday 13 July 2013

a touch of ordinary

I realize I haven't written an "ordinary" post in a while, and blog-side; my life looks like one giant adventure. Rafting in Alaska, swimming in Minesota and hiking in Colorado. Basically just reading, and falling in love. I assure you, these - although wonderful, are certainly not my standard.

I too, spend a great deal of my week gagging; as I eventually succumb to the inevitable and scrape the stinking, festering, rotting and sometimes even moulding food from the long-left pile of dishes, and put them in the dish washer. 

I too, spend a great deal of time at work; which for me involves making a lot of phone calls, entering hundreds of cheques into a data base, fetching endless glasses of water and soft drink, balancing five plates of food at a time, and on one particularly notable occasion; cutting up an old ladies steak.

I wash my clothes, clean my bathroom, reply to emails, procrastinate on pintest, search for a new apartment and pay my phone bill online. 

I too make a to-do list and get a great deal of satisfaction crossing things off. I shower late, get up early, work out, sleep terribly and put off doing a quiet time. I get upset about my weight, disheartened by my pimples, confronted by my loneliness, panicked about my future, unsettled by my laziness and frustrated with my words.

My life, I assure you, has a whole lot of ordinary.

So here are some phone photos of ordinary life, some room progression, a few trip travels, and a whole lot of moustache madness.

when the living room, and my bedroom were one in the same.

when I had no bed and slept on a blow up.

when I got my gifted handle-less dresser treasure

empty closet full of left over hangers

my own bathroom. oh the luxury.

I came with one bag. Two weeks later.

A great day. Bed delivered!

home making madness.


packing for Alaska.

selfies while he fills up with petrol.
driving to Kansas city.

& 14 hours no sleep later..

strange Alaskan man bear wolf man face.

Alaska! first glimpses.

Alaska airport.
Good morning sleepy.

morning view from the camper

I have a great room mate who brings home surprise
book cases!

don't ask.

Youth Group.


girls day at youth group!


tandem. It's a once off must do.

Happy 4th of July!!

You may have noticed in that batch of photos, a small bird named Thomas, and what looks to be a large concrete plant. That is, in fact - a small bird named Thomas, and a large concrete plant. 

 Me having a day off is like John Howard (the ex PM, not the actor) having a good hair day, it just doesn't happen. So, for the last day off I had a couple of weeks ago, I had a grand plan. That included catching up on washing, going to a friends garage sale, surprising my boyfriend with a lasagne, doing my own food shopping and heaven forbid; having time to sit down and read.

But no, on my run I found him. Thomas the little bird, with broken legs, sitting in the middle of the road next to his dead, squished brother or sister. I simply couldn't leave him, and so I didn't. I went home, made a box, scooped him up and he lived in my bathroom, as I called the vet and then the Nebraska Wildlife Rehabilitation Center. 

"Bring him in!" they said, "but by the way, we reside on a concret plant in Louieville". 

And so my day off turned into a spontaneously road trip across Nebraska, with a small bird in tow, to a concrete plant; to the rehabilitation center where he joined dozens of other abandoned racoon babies, bunnies, and a box full of hungry little birds. 

In other news on Tuesday I drove a 12 passenger van full of youth across two states to Kansas City (which.. silly... isn't actually in Kansas, but Missouri) where we spent many hours at a theme park. It was fun, except for the fact that I drove a 12 passenger van full of youth across two states to Kansas City; and three threw up. That's a 1:4 ratio. And the final throw-up, which was 8 miles from home, went all over the floor, and the girls sitting next to her, as they all freaked out, put their fingers to their nose and began whimpering to my, "WE'RE EIGHT MILES AWAY GIRLS, WE ARE NOT STOPPING!" which came panicked from the front, as I myself - tried not to gag.

11pm saw me using my own towel to scrape the chunks of pizza and carnival food off the bottom of the van, as we tried to air it out with the only things the gas station had available; pine tree smelling air fresheners, and scented dryer sheets.

That, by the way, was a $250 vomit fee to the rental place. 

What else. Last week at the restaurant I had a sudden burst of inspiration for the ending of my book. So at the end of shift, I sat down, scrawled it out; and it now exists on a dozen Outback Steakhouse order forms. 

My mum sent me a packet of 12 caramello Koalas four days ago, and they are already gone. I miss the taste of Cadbury, the smell of the ocean, the sound of kookaburra's and spontaneous shakira-inspired dance parties with my little brother. 

The 365, my car, got fixed and now a tank of petrol lasts up to four times longer. Praise the Lord for mechanically gifted brothers of boyfriends.

My and my house mate very almost got scammed into renting a house from somebody on Craigs list who didn't even own it. Two lessons, people are deceiving, and I am too trusting. Never fear mum, no money was exchanged. Stop worrying.

I also had my busiest night at the restaurant ever on Friday. I had probably served, oh - ten tables before somebody bothered to tell me, "honey, you have butter on your face". A fellow waitress, my manger? No - a customer. Somebody who I was serving, was the only one to tell me. "Thank you" I said, as I wiped it off and with it, my dignity and quality of service. 

What did I tell you? Ridiculously ordinary.

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