Sunday 20 May 2012

O Canada

If you haven’t, you should really see the Princess Diaries. It’s a great one. And this whole entire weekend, for those of you who have seen the masterpiece, the Genovian National Anthem has been in my head. 

I went to Canada, and strolling through the beautiful, breath-taking Stanley Park, all I could do was sing the anthem of a country which doesn’t exist, replacing the word Genovia with ‘Canada’, as the real Canadian anthem, apparently, doesn’t exist in my brain.


Orange HOPE yeah!
It was marvellous though. No dramas getting in or out of the country. Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at the Canadian border guard who asked me, straight faced and angry eyed, if I had any weapons, drugs or kangaroos in my car. He asked me why I was entering the country, what I was studying in the US, and if I knew what a boomerang which didn’t come back was called (a stick). I laughed nervously.





Spent a full day in the great land, feeding my addiction (Dill Pickle Pringles), eating and eating, hiking and eating, being pet by a Canadian man (long story), looking for bears, taking photos of myself and trying to take in the best of it all.

moose. meese? the plural of moose.

hugging and loving.


I named him Kylie.

spiders and tree bugs settling in my hair.

told you about the selifes! this is one of about a trillion.
seriously, I'm super vain.

My friend Jess and I, who I went with (she’s wonderful), had this conversation about how when things are just too beautiful or adorable – babies, puppies, scenery etc – humans (maybe girls more specifically) have this inability to deal with it, and I was like that the whole entire time. 

what I managed to call this throughout the day: poutine. putin. rasputin. puthin. pukin.
fries and cheese curd and gravy.

hears a who.

I completely failed at opening the lid. but it was still delicious.
(as it came out too fast dripped down my face)

thanking God for GPS's!

being bear aware.

i may have purposely done all these things in the hopes of attracting a bear friend.
thus far unsuccessful.

grouse mountain.

I think I yelled, no joke – yelled -  “IT’S JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!” at least a hundred billion times, and resorted eventually to just making whimpering style noises, as I couldn’t handle what I was seeing and experiencing around me. I just wanted the whole thing (I’m weird I know, that’s not news to me) to be a part of me, and I just wanted to squeeze it (that is, the entire country of Canada) and to, as Jess put it, “rip it’s face off”. Do you know what I mean or does that make no sense at all?

found this one by accident. pretty average.
(at this point I was rolling on the ground unable to deal with the beauty)

Lynn Canyon.

life is about suspension bridges.
and free parking.
and old women who try to push prams along this thing.
and friendly Canadians.

the most addictive thing I've ever consumed.

for dinner & strolls.

the only way.

home again home again.

Anyway, it was great, exciting, I’m a fan.

Canada. Caaaannnaaaaddddddaaaaa. Forever, will your banner wave!

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