Tuesday 1 May 2012

dear you.


G’day, g’day, g’day.

I haven’t said that enough recently – but  today, I want to greet you personally. So hi! You look great! And I really appreciate you being here. 

After posting this last week I realised a couple of things. This post got something like 600 views, which is crazy – from all around the world. The majority came from America (which is highly embarrassing as most the words I used are uniquely American, which Americans may not get, and hence; I’m just left looking a little crazy), but other views came from all around the world – Thailand, Taiwan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Singapore, Costa Rica, Canada. 

I don’t know people in half those places! So I wanted to take the time to stop and say hi! I appreciate you reading my little ramblings. I so appreciate it, I can’t even say.

You know all about me. You know my heart and purpose. You know my story. I’m in the US, I’m going to Africa. But, I don’t know you.

Which is terrible because I want to. I think you’re important, a masterpiece, beloved.

So here’s my little experiment. If you’re reading this please post a comment. Your name, a country, and a little detail of who you are. Make it up, keep it real – but meet me here. I would love to know your dogs name, your favourite brand of socks. Something that inspires you, a dream, a talent, a vent. I want to meet you. You.

Go on, be the first. Even if I do know you, say hi! Don't leave me hanging on this one.

two photos of me hanging. this is what we're avoiding.
(above) Hamilton Island - 2011. (here) Castle Hill - Townsville - 2009.

I’m glad to have you here! Have the most amazing day!

Love & blessings,



  1. Hi bec!! Love you and your posts! :) -jess brown

  2. 66 page views and 1 comment? going well!! :)

  3. Hey Bec!

    I'm a friend of a friend from Mars Hill traveling around the world like you are but going in the opposite direction =P I'm from Seattle, go to school in Richmond, VA, but am now in Spain and heading to Tunis. I love the way you write and your perspective on my hometown! And that you love Jesus :) I seriously wouldn't have said hi if you hadn't asked, but if you're getting views from Spain, that's me!
    a little more about me: rrreppond.wordpress.com



    1. Hi Celeste!

      SO wonderful to hear from you! Thank you for replying!! I LOVE your blog and reading about your adventures :) thanks for sharing!

      You're wonderful! Have a great day & happy travels!

  4. Hey Becca,
    This reminds me a bit of the A/S/L (if you grew up with msn chat)

    You can meet me when you get back :)

    1. Thanks for replying! :) You're great!!

  5. Hi there Bec,

    Since you asked so nicely...
    My name's Matt.

    I'm a friend of someone who works at SIMAID and she forwarded me your blog!

    It's been a real privilege and encouragement to read your posts...coming from someone who is both a media/comms grad (ie. your syntax is super good) and a fellow bro in Christ (ie. Jesus = no.1).

    God has clealy given you a gift in communicating and entertaining via words, keep doing what you're doing for His glory!


    p.s. I'm from Sydney, I study at SMBC, I'm super passionate about movies and media/communications (which I studied at uni)...and I really love sparkling mineral water (what a snob!).

    1. Hi Matt!

      Thank you so much for replying, it's GREAT to (sort of) meet you!

      I really appreciate you stopping by and reading my little ramblings.

      And sparkling mineral water?! Amazing, I'm with you on that one.

      Have a great one!
