So. I know I have plummeted down from posting
eighteen times a day, to a solid once or twice a week. And I feel bad, I do.
But, like I knew it would upon coming home, my life has actually exploded.
a crazy person” often comes out of peoples mouths when I explain to them my new
routine, and why I can’t do whatever they want me to – go out for coffee,
babysit their children, take another shift, get some sleep, whatever. My existence at the moment is
a blurry busy haze of early mornings, working three jobs, working out, being at
full time university, doing readings and assessments, going to church, youth
group and Bible Study, catching up and socialising, skyping overseas favourites, planning for the future and speaking and travelling for Orange HOPE. As means of
explanation, or perhaps apology, I’ve taken at least a trillion badly
instagramed photos the past week, to show you – a little snapshot, of what being
me looks like in this season.
I’m busy. Talking. Moving. Learning (?). Writing.
Speaking. Travelling. Growing.
And most of the time? I’m a little bit in love with
each & every weekday morning. |
10 km's & 300 sit ups.
yeaaaaah endorphins. |
all with a morning sermon.
yo Mars Hill. |
then coffee. |
walking to work & finding quiet space for reading. not fun reading. uni reading. |
such as this. ANTH202: Illness and Healing. |
on the floor & by the heater.
sermon & sharing preparation. |
this semester? i'm doing my writing major work.
theme: chaos & creation.
this is me imagining. |
more coffee. |
speech practice. |
doing uni readings before class. |
actually attending school/ lectures.
{ps: how great is that girls hair?!} |
train trips.
&plenty of them. |
larger coffee's.
as the week progresses. |
intense manual labour. |
my mother. sharing about her heart for mission. |
as family, as friends.
we celebrate & anticipate. |
the occasional blog. |
snuggie. laptop. assignment time. |
writing a speech for next week.
"why do you do what you do?"
weekly to do list. |
developing photos. |
driving. to work. to be a good sibling. to the station.
to katoomba. to parties. to church. to youth. |
&occasionally I eat.
{phad thai} |
listening to the lectures I didn't attend because.
working. sharing about Orange HOPE.
doing assessments. |
Tuesday night Bible study. exodus. |
my doona & pillow heaven haven.
where I need to spend more time. |
&when you have to leave for work at 6am?
coffee is instant. |
early morning nannying. |
kid time. |
Ken time. |
this is my "did my hair at 6am, hence the poof.
I've just worked 12 hours & been yelled at by my boss" face. |
work. retail. 8 hour shifts. |
mmmmm work. |
taking the rubbish out.
along the yellow (&red&blue) brick road. |
because uni in uggs,
is 100 times better then uni without uggs. |
assessment task reading. dry. |
hilarious and disgusting insight into my life.
my bag.
socks. toothbrush. notepad. train ticket. keys. |
enjoying the sun. uni uni. |
again, the occasional attendance of class. |
movie quote texting with the bretheren.
a constant. |
Bible time. refreshing. life giving. |
great, great eating habit. |
you may think this was drawn by the 6 year old I nanny.
you would be wrong.
let's be honest, i'm pretty good at art. |
olympics. whenever and wherever possible. |
skyping my favourites. |
getting my frumpy orange on. |
youth. orange hair ya'll. |
planking on the orange carpet. |
brosef. |
brand repping. |
wristband wearing. |
rediculous game creating.. |
mandarin peel eating punishment. |
that would be me dominating the high heel relay. |
& sharing my great love. |
kids vs. leaders challenge.
punishment? permanent marker moustache.
the best. |
granny undies. don't ask. |
making bets & being great. |
early morning road tripping. by myself. |
to Katoomba! the beautiful. |
& so, so worth it. |
conference time. |
freaking out about sharing. |
pretty subtle. |
I miss. |
interested in mission? let's chat. |
all one. |
waiting backstage to go on & share.
shaking so much the photo is blurry. |
home again. make up on. Saturday night 21st
celebrations!! |
box of goodies. |
how my room gets after 1 day of being me.
{laptop. promo material. products. journal. bible
photos. coffee. books. strainer (?). socks.} |
& Sunday. let the church, and the week, begin again! |
week night bedtime. sometimes optimistic. |
That is a great blog - an exercise in working out how much cyber space you can fill up in one sitting? BTW, that girl's hair is more than great!
ReplyDelete(: thanks for sharing at SIMworld12 and at Reachout (: was so great meeting you ! (:
Hi kirsten! Thank you so much for commenting! It's so great to hear from you, and it was so great to meet you! Checked out your tumblr, oh my goodness I love it!! I so appreciate the encouragment, you're wonderful!
Deleteoodles of blessings,