Saturday 21 April 2012

talk like an American

After “say something Australian” my most common request here is to try and put on an American accent. I usually decline because well, I’m not very good at it. I can mock people easily enough, but I usually end up sounding like Bon Qui Qui. Plus, I don’t want to offend!

But, due to popular demand here it is for you, four whole terrible minutes.

Enjoy! (but know you won't because it's awful)


  1. what did you call the "drinking fountain" that they corrected you? And when are you having 'scones' spend too much time at Starbucks already! Work on your pronunciation of "mall". Where are you seeing Emu? And there is also a grade called "sophomore". What do Australian's look like? Do you guys have a flag? :P Nice work with "water"...i thought that would be a tough one for you.

    These are my random comments.

    1. A bubbler!! Is a drinking fountain. Made that mistake within the first 5 minutes of being here. Seeing emu's only in pictures, totally forgot about sophmore (I'm really bad at saying that one), Australians look tan and pretty! And no, we don't have a flag :)

  2. Laughing too much to critique...

  3. this is so freakin funny!

  4. haha you are awesome. the only non-american accented thing you said was your name :)
